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Meet The Editors

Editor's Note


Thank you. Two small words but us at TEAM AWESOME have an enormous amount of

gratitude for you, the reader.  Cleaning up the world is no easy or small task but it all starts

with awareness and we believe that our magazine helps raise that awareness in our readers.


How are our issues connected?


Scale and method come to mind when your examining our issues.  Littering and pollution often start close to home

(Little Did I Know) but it takes seeing it on a global scale in our oceans (Save Our Oceans) and in our air

(Climate Change Is Increasing Sea Levels) before we see the magnitude of the issues that these actions cause. Once we acknowledge a problem it’s human nature to try to fix it, this is where selecting the method or way of fixing the problem comes into play. Making a decision to involve a community (Choosing Open Source) in an inclusive manner, can produce dramatic results because it leaves the public with a vested interest in the outcome.

Why we chose the works we included?


When considering which works to included we each reexamined the strengths of our works; looking to incite a stronger emotional connection to our reader with pathos oriented genres, finding more credibility with ethos centered works, or letting the facts tell the story with logos.


Ana chose to include her proposal, research and profile works. The profile was selected as the transformation because she wanted to convey the seriousness of global warming with a strong pathos genre and a medium complemented it. The proposal was selected for heightening the visuals within our magazine for a better reader experience.  And the report genre was selected because Ana brought a great balance of visuals with logos in this work.


David chose to include his memoir, profile, and proposal. The memoir was selected as the transformation because he wanted convey a strong pathos to the reader and with changing the medium to include visual this would enhance that effect. The profile was selected for it already had good visuals and helped the reader understand the issue of open source by giving ethos and pathos arguments. And the proposal was selected because it help show the logos and connectedness to the other issues.


Jacob chose to include his memoir, profile and proposal. The profile was selected as the transformation because the change of medium allows him to increase the pathos connection with the audience while still having good ethos. The memoir was selected to strengthen the pathos connection to the reader. The proposal was selected for the logos and connectedness back to the other issues through scale.


Natalie chose to include her memoir, report and profile. The report was selected as the transformation because she augmented of the strength of logos with pathos by changing mediums to be more visual. The memoir was selected to strengthen the pathos connection to the reader. The profile was selected to strengthen the ethos of the argument.

Why were certain works excluded?


Ana chose to exclude her memoir because the medium was to saturated within the magazine



David chose to exclude his report because the weight of the logos hindering the ethos in terms

of its connectedness to the other issues.


Jacob chose to exclude his report because the genre did not lend itself well to persuading the audience to awareness and action.


Natalie chose to exclude her position because she felt it was better to emphasize awareness and solutions in the magazine project.​

What strengths and weakness does the magazine have?

Our greatest strength was communication within our group. Someone was always there to answer if anyone called for help; there was strength in giving each other through feedback. Whenever one of us edited another’s project we always went into great detail on why we thought it should be changed a certain way. Overall our group truly worked well together to create a great magazine. Everyone had beneficial skills that helped each group member grow as a writer; we also showed each other techniques that were helpful that we will use forever.

One of our weaknesses was miscommunication; although we had no problem getting a hold of one another there will always be a misunderstanding through text messages. Meeting in person is without a doubt the best way to communicate, but when schedules don’t match you don’t have a lot of options.


How well researched is our magazine?


One of the unique aspects of our magazine is how much research was put into it. There is a massive amount of scholarly research that makes our magazine credible and accurate. We accurately cite all these sources, even images and incorporate them into our articles in the correct way. These quotes, or embedded quotes are always followed by in-text citations to see immediately where we received the quote. Our magazine incorporated research of all kinds, from scholarly journals to even newspaper articles. We worked hard in having a thick, dense amount of research to make our magazine the best it can be.


How well designed is our magazine?


Our Visual Editor, Ana, read over all of the work to determine how the layout should

be. Three of the topics are similar which made it easier to connect with one another.

The fourth topic put a spin on the ways they all connected together. Reading each

paper categories began to emerge: What impacted our lives and made us think

differently, What are the issues, Who are the people that are making a difference, How

will these issues be resolved. We all wanted a magazine that included lots of pictures,

color, and was neatly presented and our magazine achieves that.


What discoveries we made about our writing and research processes?

We all liked having different people help revise each other’s papers. Everyone approached the revision differently, giving each other a change to adjust different areas of the papers. Working with others helped us see different perspectives and uncover information that we probably wouldn’t have uncovered otherwise. Additionally, we all learned different ways to approach a writing assignment, gaining new techniques that will help us feel more confident in our writing.


What advice we give to others?


  • The magazine project takes a lot of work and time, be prepared for it and try to work ahead if possible. 

  • Communication is a key piece in producing quality work, we would recommend having multiple ways of communicating. 

  • Try to meet in person as a group at least once, especially in the beginning as this can really help with group cohesion. 

  • Keep an open mind, there will be perspectives other than your own and they will all have merit. 

  • Peer review quickly and often. 

  • Have fun, the semester is almost over!

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